
This page will guide you through the installation of Tudat(Py). The installation is supported exclusively through the use of a conda package manager, such as Miniconda or Anaconda. For new users, and Windows users in particular, we recommend the use of Anaconda . For those with limited bandwidth or hard drive storage, we recommend the use of Miniconda (see also Anaconda or Miniconda?). When refering to a conda package manager below, the term “Anaconda” will be used.

For more details on how to use conda, please refer to our detailed guide (Getting Started with Conda) and the references therein.

Installing Anaconda/Miniconda

To install Anaconda or Miniconda on your system, see the Anaconda Installation of Miniconda Installation guide provided in their documentation

Installing Tudat(Py)


As of TudatPy version 0.7, a number of modifications have been made to how TudatPy deals with vehicle orientations, in particular in the context of thrust and aerodynamic guidance. These changes are, in part, not backwards compatible. See this page for more details. To continue to use the last older version of Tudat, install version 0.6.3.

To install Tudat(Py), we recommend the use of a terminal (command line) interface. On Unix system (Linux and Mac), conda should already be available within the terminal; you can open your terminal directly. On Windows, you can find a program called Anaconda Prompt in the Windows search. Using conda in the Anaconda Prompt is equivalent to the terminal use of conda on Unix. Some Unix commands are made available in this prompt, although most usage is equivalent to the Windows shell (see below for some useful terminal commands).

Open a terminal. Then first verify that conda is installed by executing the following command:

conda --version

Next ensure that conda is up-to-date.

conda update conda

Download this environment.yaml (yaml). Then, in your terminal navigate to the directory containing this file and execute the following command (see below for tips on using the command line):

conda env create -f environment.yaml

With the conda environment now installed, you can activate it to work in it using:

conda activate tudat-space


At this point, you may choose to install the development version of TudatPy, which is a conda package that is updated as soon as changes are merged to the development branch of the code on GitHub. To do so, you can run the following command:

conda install -c tudat-team/label/dev tudat
conda install -c tudat-team/label/dev tudatpy

Congratulations! You have now installed Tudat and TudatPy and are ready to start running your simulations and analyses! We recommend you get started by having a look at our Examples.

If there are any issues with the installation process, please submit an issue on the tudatpy-feedstock. If there are issues running examples, please submit an issue on the tudatpy repository.


New to the command-line? The following commands may be useful to you:

Command effect

Unix (Linux & macOS)


Enter a directory using a path (relative or absolute)

cd <abs/rel path>

cd <abs/rel path>

Go back to the parent directory

cd ..

cd ..

List the contents of the current working directory



For more help on getting started with the command-line interface (CLI), you could start with a tutorial.

Updating Tudat(Py)

To update an existing installation of tudatpy, activate your tudat-space environment:

conda activate tudat-space

Then execute the following command to install the latest version of tudatpy:

conda install -c tudat-team tudatpy

Note that using this command may also update additional packages (such as tudat) that are needed to run the latest version of tudatpy.


It can happen that running the install command above does not update tudatpy to the latest version (which can be checked on the Anaconda website). In that case it is recommended to execute the following command (while still in the tudat-space environment):

conda install --update-deps -c tudat-team tudatpy

Building your own TudatPy kernel

If you would prefer to not use a conda package, but instead build your own tudatpy kernel from the source code, clone the tudat-bundle repository from here and follow the instructions in the README. To build the latest version of the kernel, switch both the tudat and tudatpy repositories to the master branch in step 3 of the README. To build the \dev version, use both repositories to the develop branch.


This workflow is not recommended for new users